I was just trying out an outfit i might wear on Saturday for a birthday party:) But i can't deside if I should wear the top tuched in or on the outside of the skirt. Both looks great i think. What do u think? (sorry for my bad cellphone cam, my new cellphone is on the way)

Btw I hate the guile (?) in the middle of my mirror.
And here is just two pictures of me sitting and waiting for my ride to my last soccer game of this year:(
6 kommentarer:
I dont like it tucked in...but what a cute skirt!!
Syns du skal ha roppen uttapå;)
Oj! Ej meinte selvfølgelig toppen;)
lovely skirt.
while i am a big fan of tucking shirts in, i think this outfit would be better if it was untucked : )
hehe ok:P I think I will wear it untucked:)
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