But that does not meen I've not got the chance to shop at topshop:D

Me after a great buy at TOPSHOP in Istanbul, Turkey. (uuh.. my hair is a mess!!:S)

My best friend, Merve, and me outside TOPSHOP in Izmir, Turkey.
Outfit: Tee, H&M. Shorts, VeroModa. Bag, "gucci". Shoes, converse.
5 kommentarer:
Fine bilder av mote og klær! :)
Takk:) Har ikkje vert SÅ flink å oppdatere, men det skla bli betre!
Fleire outfits kommer:D
I wish i lived near a topshop, but they dont seem to have those in america
They dont?:O
Only UK and Turkey i guess.. lol
Ah I totally wish we had a Topshop, I would spend my days there.
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