lørdag 10. januar 2009

Moods of Norway

During the hotel-party I also met Moods of Norway designer Simen Staalnacke.

He is now also a judge on the Norwegian show Skaperen ("The creator").

Moods of Norway focus on bringing the norwegian traditions in the fashion. Things like tractors, bears with coctail and rose-paintings have been printed on the clothes. And their "pattren-ful" and fancy suits are in every stylish boy's closet. It's all about Norwegian moods and tradition.
Visit their website for inspiration, you can also buy clothes online. www.moodsofnorway.com

Photos from Oslo Fasionweek Spring 08

All catwalk photos (C) Moods of Norway - www.moodsofnorway.com

10 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Så heldig du er da:)

Emely sa...

heldig som fikk være på fashion week!

Tuppene sa...

Utrolig kult!!

Ingvild Marie sa...

Var ikkje på fashion week eg møtte han, men på romjuls fest:) Kjekke kar!

Stephanie Shorr sa...


Mimi sa...

I'm sure that's a very cool job.Love the back clutch.

P.S. I think plaid shirts are a real must-have :)

Jillian Hobbs sa...

Norway always has such interesting, hip fashion

thanks so much for sharing those pics :)

<3 hope you're staying warm!

Ingvild Marie sa...

Thanks, np;) hehe, I'm trying to keep warm in this cold:)

Lady Sovereign sa...

bedetTakker for komm. paa bloggen!
Maa seie at din var veldig kul;)

Ingvild Marie sa...

Tusen takk:)