tirsdag 9. september 2008


Uh.. hard day at school today:S Alot of work to do! But tonight I'm gonna relax with friends and go out to dance!
When I was shopping las weekend I also bought this grey sweater, so comfy! It's spring here now, and soon summer - so I'll have to wear all my sweaters and jeans now befor the heat comes.

Sunglasses, ALDO. Sweater, sportgirl. Skirt, suprè. Shoes, racecat. Neckless, diva.

4 kommentarer:

MEMEME sa...

great sweather....summer is over for us here and fall is coming and then winter here....

Ingvild Marie sa...

hehe yeah.. lol:) I really dont know what to wear.. i guess it will be shorts and tops intil christmas:P lol!

Nina (Femme Rationale) sa...

hi! i really like your necklace!

Ingvild Marie sa...

thank you:D