onsdag 31. desember 2008

This x-mas

This x-mas I decided I was not going to buy any new party dresses or so. I thought I could see what I had and make some cool and diffrent outfits out of them. So, this is what I was wearing this Christmas:

Chritsmas eve: First outfit is a dress I bought in Australia for only 5$, cool ey?
Christmas party: Second pic is the same dress (under the skirt, yeah - it actually looked good) and a black skirt I've had since I was 13 years old.
Party: The same skirt as earlier, just that I was wearing it as a tube dress, and I added a belt so I would look more relaxed (sorry for the bad picture).


This year I'll just spend the evening with my family, it will be fun:)


Right now I'm thinking of purchasing these two tops from the swedish designer Anna Larsson "Avanna". I want them so much, but will have to see what my wallet says.

tirsdag 30. desember 2008

Fun, flirty and fabulous

To be honest; I have not been shopping online for over 6 mouths! It's crazy, I know. But basicly it's because I've lived on the other side of the world for that time. But now that I'm back home, and hopfully will get a cool job and earn some money, then the fab clothes and awful bills from H&M and Forever21 will find it's way to my house.

So I checked out H&M homepages this morning and I could not stop falling for their fun and colourful accessories campaign - super cute. So maybe I'll add some of it to the not-used-in-a-while shopping cart.

Did you guys find anything fun or cute surfing online?

Sometimes we all need some really fresh colours. www.hm.com

torsdag 25. desember 2008


I'll try to post as often as I can this x-mas, but I can't promis anything. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to u all!!!

mandag 22. desember 2008


My Swedish friend and I dressing up.

torsdag 18. desember 2008


The last couple of weeks has not included sitting in the front of the PC, I'm sorry.But I've seen alot of Australia and now I'm back in my, not so comfy, chair in Norway. It's abit colder her, offc, but it feels good. And what's not to feel good about, its so Christmas:) I did all my x-mas shopping in Brisbane, so I'm all done with that and I think all my friends will be happy for Australian gifts this year.